At Insigpol you can buy a replica of the Spanish National Police Badge and its badge holder.


At Insigpol, can you buy a replica of the National Police Badge and its badge holder?

You can buy it for a collection, or for an event, or for a cinematographic shoot.

How do you identify a plainclothes policeman?

The original plate of the National Police is composed of the National Shield, the legend "National Police Corps", 
and the identification number of the agent who wears it, you can buy it in our store.
The identification of the non-uniformed plainclothes policemen of the different specialties will be done by displaying the badge and the professional card, 
showing the badge holder portfolio open, so that they can clearly see the front of the professional card and the badge- police emblem.

What badge do they wear when they are in uniform?

When the policemen are in uniform they wore the same badge-emblem as when they are in plain clothes, with their agent number stamped on the chest, 
also now they wear a patch that looks like metal.
They will also wear the currency of the category they have on the shoulder pads of the upper garment and on the headwear.
Are there other related badges they can buy?
You can buy the CNP National Police badges at Insigpol, we have many of them. Our best-selling specialty badge is the UIP Police Intervention Unit. 
They also have pins and keychains, hats, patches and more.