Buy your K-9 T-shirt at Insigpol. Select your shirt in the color you want, put it on and combine it with the clothes you want.
If you are a dog lover, this is your t-shirt, made of cotton and ready for summer. Our favorite dog t-shirt is the WE DEFEND K9 UNIT T-SHIRT. And yes, we have dared to wear it in pink. You can have a military, police or civil K9 t-shirt from one day to the next or instantly if you come to our Insigpol store located in Barcelona, Spain. We all know more or less that it is a K9, we could say that they are police, military or similar dogs. What we don't know is that the term in a language other than English is actually not correct.
But let's look at the original concept. The term K9 or K-9 (they do not agree on how to write it, whether with a hyphen or without a hyphen,) is English. It is a homophone of the word 'canine'. According to some sources, the term originally appeared as ‘K-9 Corps’, a shortened form of the Army War Dog Program during World War II. It was never an official term but it became very popular among the military and civilian population. It works like this: • ‘Canine’ is pronounced in English key-nayn (read kinain • ‘K9’ is pronounced exactly the same, so K9 = Canine. As with some words in English-speaking countries, an acronym is used, certain letters that when pronounced sound the same as a longer term. In this way they shorten characters, save on writing, and the Americans are very practical. But this is only in English.
In another language like in Spanish it is not pronounced the same and, therefore, using it in a language other than English, in theory would be incorrect and does not make any sense. In Spain we say K 9, as is. There is K 9 in the police, the army and the Private Security.
Buy your K9 t-shirt at Insigpol. Thousands of designs, styles and colors. K-9 short, long sleeve and tank tops for men, women and children. Lightweight and practical for any type of sports or day-to-day activity .. K-9 T-shirts… Canine T-shirts.
If you cannot find the K-9 material you are looking for, talk to us and we will manufacture it. We can make k-9 mugs, k-9 mats, pocket knives, mobile phone protectors, etc.