SPANISH NATIONAL POLICE GEO ARM PATCH. G.E.O- ARM PATCH. SIZE: 10 X 7.50 CM APPROX. The Special Operations Group, popularly known as the GEOs, is a special operations unit of the National Police of Spain specializing in high-risk operations. Also present in some East conflicts, whether to protect VIPs and Spanish citizens or rescue missions.
Is This Patch Original?
You might doubt the authenticity of this patch because you have seen different ones, and it's true that the National Police Special Operations Group (GEO) uses this and similar patches for their uniforms. At Insigpol, we have seen some similar but embroidered patches. Don't worry, this patch is also original. Size: approximately 10 x 7.50 cm.
What is the GEO?
The GEO, or Special Operations Group, popularly known as the Geos, is a special operations unit of the National Police Corps of Spain specialized in high-risk operations. They are also present in some conflicts in the East, either to protect Spanish citizens and high-profile personalities or in rescue missions.
Can I Buy the GEO Patch?
Collecting police patches is a common hobby internationally. The United States leads in police patch collecting, but in Spain, it is becoming increasingly popular.