Who can wear this Badge of Voluntary Reservist of the Spanish Army?
Anyone can buy it for collection. They can also be worn as if they were a pin. But this badge has a regulated use that is included in Royal Decree 383/2011, of March 18, which approves the Regulations for Reservists of the Armed Forces. In its article 43 points 3 and 4 of Rights and Duties of a military nature, it states: "Active volunteer reservists will wear the same uniform as that established for active duty military men ... with the specific badge of volunteer reservist. In addition Voluntary reservists in a situation of availability may wear the uniform, with the knowledge of the corresponding Defense Subdelegate, on the occasion of their attendance at military and social events, and their participation in events and celebrations of the units, centers or agencies of the Ministry of Defense. Defense to those who belong by their condition of voluntary reservist ".
What do the elements that make up this badge mean?
In the reservist shield a checkered field is represented that represents the civil world from which the reservists come, that field merges with another in red color whose red field represents the military since always in the militia and the Spanish heraldic tradition, the foundry Between the two fields it is not divided by a straight line, but rather they are mixed together to symbolize the mixture of civil and military, a common thing for volunteer reservists. The swords also mean something. The one that points down in the checkered field transmits submission or absence of jurisdiction, and the other that points up in the military red field if it denotes jurisdiction. Both are at the same height and represents the union between civil and military. Three stripes of the national flag can be seen above.